"An equally important component is making it easier for people of all genders, racial and ethnic groups, and income levels to participate in science — as scientists. With the goal of making her field of study, psychology, more accessible, Yucel created Psych Research List, a website that lists resources to help undergraduate students advance their careers, such as paid internships, scholarships, and virtual graduate courses. Often, students won’t hear about these opportunities unless they are plugged into the right networks, she explains. Her site helps level the playing field."

"A new initiative organised by Jim A.C. Everett and Meltem Yucel: the International Moral Psychology (IMP) List has been called to life. The rationale behind this was the recognition that there are amazing people doing really important work in social/moral psychology all around the world, and yet we often think of the same US-based names when considering collaborators, reviewers, people to invite to our seminar series. We wanted to create a list so that people can more easily see the work being done around the globe, not just in the US, and begin to form an international community of people working on morality in psychology. If you’d like to add yourself to the list, please do follow the link below and enter in your details. We hope that this will help create a more focused (topic-wise) yet inclusive (diversity-wise) community that we can all benefit from."

It's Innate Podcast, Episode 11: "We didn't mean to keep you waiting but, in this episode, Candy and Deon interview Dr. Meltem Yucel. We open the episode by discussing Meltem's outstanding work developing the useful tool Psych Research List, which provides a hub of information on paid research opportunities as well as information on applying to graduate school."